CAaGiG: An Algebra and Geometry meeting
All talks will take place in AKOMM Conference Centre.
For abstracts of the talks press on the titles. For the talks press on the names.
​9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:30 Hugo Parlier: Puzzles, triangulations and moduli spaces.
10:30 - 11: 00 Coffee Break
​11:00-11:40 Stavros Papadakis: Weak Lefschetz property and stellar subdivisions of simplicial complexes.
11:50-12:30 Xenia Spilioti: Analytic torsion and dynamical zeta functions of locally symmetric spaces.
13:00 Lunch
16:00-16:40 Grigori Avramidi: Ends of nonpositively curved manifolds.
16:40 - 17: 00 Coffee Break
​ 20:00 Conference Dinner at Arodamos
​9:30-10:30 Viktor Schroeder: Moebius structures on the boundary of hyperbolic spaces.
10:30 - 10: 50 Coffee Break
​10:50-11:30 Vassilis Chousionis: Densities and uniformly distributed measures in the Heisenberg group.
11:40-12:20 Panagiotis Gianniotis: Ricci flow from spaces with isolated conical singularities.
12:30-13:10 Nelia Charalambous: The spectrum of the Laplacian on functions and differential forms.
13:10 - 13: 30 Discussion-End of Meeting